Reunification Ride Heads into the Holidays!

Reunification Ride Heads into the Holidays!

From Moms United

Please join us ensure visits between incarcerated moms & their kids throughout the Fall and into Winter! Each trip costs about $3,500 for transportation, food and additional support for families. Thank you!

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More Info

Thanks to our community of support, Reunification Ride has insured visits between incarcerated moms and their kids since May of 2016, apart form 32 months of quarantine. Reunification ride is a partnership of Ascend Justice, Moms United Against Violence & Incarceration, Nehemiah Trinity Rising, and Women's Justice Institute.Thank you for being part of this amazing community with us.

Right now we are raising money for 2 trips in December so that as many moms & kids as possible can have visits during the holidays. Each trip costs about 3,500 to cover the bus, insurance, snacks and fresh produce and other treats to bring inside. Every dollar takes us closer to that goal. Thank you, thank you! 

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