100000 children studying Torah Freely with the Shuvu App ! Free app for ALL KIDS!

100000 children studying Torah Freely with the Shuvu App ! Free app for ALL KIDS!

From Ahavat Ammi

I'm raising money for a cause I care about, but I need your help to reach my goal! Please become a supporter to follow my progress and share with your friends.

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Gabriel & Rosie Matta commented with a $137 donation:
4 days ago
In multiples of $18 for the life, blessing and precious soul of our grandson, Baby Noam Israel Edwards (Baby Rimon)!!! Baruch Hashem!
Colleen Orozco commented with a $25 donation:
7 days ago
I thank Hashem for each of you at Ahavat Ammi... your love for Hashem and people!
Mark Davis commented with a $100 donation:
8 days ago
This gift attended with prayer
Sabine Gibson commented with a $20 donation:
10 days ago
Blessings to Ahavat Ammi